Repealing the ACA Without a Replacement
For this blog post I chose to use an article I found for another class of mine. The article was titled, “Repealing the ACA without a Replacement- The Risks to American Health Care”, by former president Barrack Obama. In the article, Obama discusses how like most things policy changes with the country’s leadership. Although some changes can improve the state of the United States not having a plan before repeal can not only not improve but decline. Adopting the ACA gave many Americans health insurance, more than ever before. Not only did the ACA provide coverage to more people it also rewarded providers for providing better quality care rather than quantity. Repealing the ACA would take benefits away but also would prevent others from getting a job due to preexisting conditions. This article is very recent because just last week the GOP’s voted to repeal the bill. The effect that this event could have would not only effect patients but hospital administrators. Administrators w...